Welcome to my collection of real Creepey Pastas peapole encountered irl

All the pastass are 100% real. from achient pastas to the newest. but i cant add them all to this website in one day you need to wait for updates on the pastas. please be careful out there, the world is horny asf

Creepe Past #1: Undertime Slopper

Undertime Slopper, Once he was a normal person named Uncle. but when he said: "Cocacola Espuma" his life changed. his nepfew did weird things to him like putting wise mystical tree in his home so he needed to move out to a tower. later he got diagnosed with eating 5 more cookies by a cow but cow was try to scam Uncle and did not work and called the Elves to attack uncle. for 4 years the kingdom of undertime slopper defended the borders (his backyard) until great grandmaster elf showed up and said a cuss word to him, turning him into THE Undertime Slopper

Undertime Slopper Sightings

Man named Jese Pinkma Encountered the beast in 1995, he was cooking rice in Japanese when he heard: "i love Undertime Slopper" he came out of his closet and saw him. he was on the toilet breakdancing he was a naked withe guy with balls bigger than his nose and a extra 3rd arm attached to his ass. after he saw jese he became ultra horny but before he could do anything Jese said: "Alexa flush toilet" and within miliseconds he dissapeard into the toilet. Jese sufferd from ligma since that encounter. legend sais he is sucking shit to this day.

Crepe Pasta #2: Corondream

it all started with Corbolaona. It is not a bird not a plane either its that smoll error thing in your computer called a virus. it was formed in the year 2017. it was in the files of the hit game fortnite spreading to little anoying fucking kids and activating the retardus hormon in their brains. in 3 year time the retardus caused the decrease in braincells. people where so fucking stupid they called their gender "dreamgender" or the dreamsexuality. mostly spotted in the comment section of Dreamsmp videos and twitter. after the great internet war in 2023 january 25th most of the dreamgender has failed to exist. but those who survived recieved massive buffs. all this was caused by Corbolona and the dreamgenders. combined they became: Corondream.

Corondream Sighting

2022 December 21 a Lord of a castle in England was doing the laundery outside when he saw green flashes in the forest nearby. sussed out by what he had seen he decided to investigate. seaching for the thing is what the lord did for 3 minutes when came across a dirt pillar, and on the top? the Corondream. its Green Skeletal body was smelling, his face was of an sunscreeneater and its "winning smile" made the lord shit his pant. he tryd to run but the Corondream did an mlg boat clutch and landed in a bannana split position on his legs. one fatal mistake the corodream made: his hands where free, using his hands he called the only gigachad who could help him out of that situation. Jonn Cena: he became famous for a Dreamgender Hunter and his career continued after the great internet war. in seconds the dreamer was unalived. if he hadent called Tate he woulod have gotten a physical breakdown.

Croopoo poopoo passer #3 W.O.R.M.S

Worms. giggely wiggely Worms. they existed since 4783 BC. they are parasites most commonly seen in the great pyramid of Garry. when u sleep or are unconsious the worm goes into u mouth and travels through your insides making its way to the shell near your ear and... goes in it. when the worm is inside it wont do shit for the next 3 weeks but after that time has passed the is bored and decides to mess with you, soon start feeling a light tingle between your teeth. then a feeling that somthing is off. your body begins to change. you feel pain. mostly in your ass. after that you feel like how you feel after eating taco bell. after that you faint. you stay unconsious for 4 hours your body will have massive ramdom changes. the worm has pastaway ;) and you wake up... you will never be the same aigan.

W.O.R.M.S s stats are just like a normal worms but their name does have a meaning

W.O.R.M.S victims

Most Victims live in Ohio meaning everything happening over there is real and very normal. Ohioans are litteraly build different causing them survive their weekly meteor shower or the Fury Invasions. if you want to know more about Ohio i may add that in the website as an sub-pasta because of the pastta population there being higher


With a population of 11 milion 1/3 of them are creepy pastas and that is why everything there is strange to us and not for them

Ohio on a daily basis

why most chocoladepastas live here is still a mystery to this day but theorists think it happend all the way back 5745 BC when the crepes found Ohio and decided to live there because of a time travelerwas trying to rule the world

anyways that would be all for my information about Ohio if you want to know more theres probaly more information in the secret libary

Spooky sapa #4 MR BEAST

no ordinairy person can generate money out of thin air. Only mr beast can do that, but not many people know that he has a evil twin he accidentaly created 5 years ago in: 24 hour in a cloning machine challenge!

the clone broke free out of containment within 18 hours of the challenge, no one was harmed during the video but the clone has the same powers the original mr beast has like money generation great speech skills and his secret big brain. Since mrbeast is the most powerfull being on the planet rivaling Obamas power his clone is by now the greatest danger on the planet.